How To Structure Water

How to Structure Your Water

Place a container of water (I have four gallons of water in rings that I rotate as needed, usually at least two-three gallons per day) inside the Tensor Ring overnight or longer to structure the water. The column of energy from the Tensor Ring will restructure the water and make it more of a crystalline structure. For Reverse Osmosis systems see endnote on same.

An excerpt from “Dancing with Water” by MJ Pangman and Melanie Evens

“Although Tensor Rings made of all cubit lengths bring molecular structure to water, certain lengths are especially suited for water. In 2015 the authors identified a measurement of 19.65 in. with a resonance, they refer to as the ‘Earth Core’ resonance. Tensor Rings made using this measurement are tuned to the Earth’s central core and to the Earth’s natural energy field. They reconnect water (and anything placed in their energetic field) to the core energy of the Earth. This cubit length is extremely grounding and protective for water.

Tensor Rings are powerful tools. As water passes through (or sits within the energetic column of) a Tensor Ring, it becomes organized. The longer it sits inside the ring the more refined the structure becomes. The pH of the water is often balanced (this depends on the water source) and the taste of the water generally improves. Other improvements that are more difficult to quantify augment the water’s energy. The authors use Tensor Rings during all stages of water preparation. They are especially useful for protecting water during maturation and storage. The column of energy produced shields water from outside interference.”

Placing a container or water inside a Tensor Ring creates a high spin rate to the water molecules – so high that it creates Ormus, such as white powdered gold. It makes water lighter and because of its high spin rate, it oscillates in and out of this physical reality – just like Ormus (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements). That high spin rate is what is restructuring the water making it more of a crystalline structure (where the atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystalline lattice that extends in all directions), as shown with Dr. Emoto’s work.

Nassim Haramein, a world leader in unified physics, says (and I’ll paraphrase) “Between the scale of the molecules and the cells there is one important step and that is the molecule of water because that is the fundamental crystal transducer that allows the information to go through. This is why all of life emerged from water. Water is not just a neutral medium that DNA just happened to hang out in. If you take the water out, then DNA stops working – and it needs Structured Water. If water loses its structure then the transfer of information via the capacity of the system breaks down. Water will form a special geometry at interfacial surfaces.

Place a container of water (I have four gallons of water in rings that I rotate as needed, usually at least two-three gallons per day) inside the Tensor Ring overnight or longer to structure the water. The column of energy from the Tensor Ring will restructure the water and make it more of a crystalline structure.

A Word on Reverse Osmosis

If you are using a Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtering device you are removing all mineral content and drinking empty water, or distilled water. RO removes all that so to remineralize your structured water here’s what you can do. 

Take a glass container – I use a one-cup glass measuring container – and fill to about ¾ full, then add salt – I use Pink Himalayan Salt – to the water. Use a sufficient amount so that after it is stirred well and sits overnight there will be a small amount of undissolved salt. Then add one teaspoon of the water/salt solution to one gallon of water to be structured in a 333mhz Tensor Ring. Let sit covered overnight for the best results.

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